KERINCI ( Lake Kerinci )
Danau Kerinci Memiliki luas 4040 Ha terletak pada ketinggian
783 mdpl Danau ini terletak 20 km dari kota Sungai penuh dan lebih kurang 40 km dari ibu Kota Kabupaten Kerinci.. Danau Kerinci secara
geologi terbentuk oleh aktivitas tektonik dimasa lampau yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh
proses tektonik dan vulkanik dengan penghembusan batu apung saat terjadinya
letusan gunung api. Danau ini merupakan daya tarik wisata yang utama di
Kabupaten Kerinci dengan hamparan pasir putih yang terdapat dibeberapa pantai
Lake Kerinci It has an area of 4040 hectares located at an altitude of 783 meters above sea level. This lake is located 20 km from the city of Sungai Penuh and approximately 40 km from the capital city of Kerinci Regency. Lake Kerinci is geologically formed by past tectonic activity whose formation is influenced by tectonic and volcanic processes. by blowing pumice at the time of the volcanic eruption. This lake is the main tourist attraction in the Kerinci Regency with white sand on several lake beaches.
Lake Kerinci It has an area of 4040 hectares located at an altitude of 783 meters above sea level. This lake is located 20 km from the city of Sungai Penuh and approximately 40 km from the capital city of Kerinci Regency. Lake Kerinci is geologically formed by past tectonic activity whose formation is influenced by tectonic and volcanic processes. by blowing pumice at the time of the volcanic eruption. This lake is the main tourist attraction in the Kerinci Regency with white sand on several lake beaches.
Kerinci berada di kecamatan Kayu Aro dengan posisi Geografis 10’ 41,5’ LS dan
10 10 16’ Bujur Timur dengan jarak 25 Km dari Ibu Kota Kabupaten Kerinci.. Gunung
Kerinci dengan ketinggian 3.805 m dpl yang berada dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) merupakan
Gunung Api aktif tipe A dan mempunyai danau kawah dengan ukuran 604 m x 580 m,
tipe gunung api ini adalah strato vulcano yang sifatnya eksposif. Untuk keperluan
pendakian telah disediakan tiga shelter sebagai tempat peristirahatan, dengan
hawa sejuk dan panorama menarik yang diselingi oleh keanekaragaman hayati,
untuk mencapai puncak diperlukan waktu antara 10-12 jam, waktu yang
dipergunakan adalah 2 hari termasuk istirahat dipenginapan dan mendirikan
perkemahan dapat dicapai selama 7-8 jam.
Mount Kerinci is located in Kayu Aro sub-district with a geographical position of 10 '41.5' South Latitude and 10 10 16 'East Longitude with a distance of 25 Km from the Capital City of Kerinci Regency. Mount Kerinci with an elevation of 3,805 m above sea level within the Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) area is volcano active type A and has a crater lake with a size of 604 mx 580 m, this type of volcano is strato vulcano which is expansive. For climbing purposes, three shelters have been provided as a resting place, with cool air and interesting panoramic views interspersed with biodiversity, to reach the summit it takes between 10-12 hours, the time used is 2 days including rest at the lodge and setting up a campsite can be achieved for 7 -8 hours.
Mount Kerinci is located in Kayu Aro sub-district with a geographical position of 10 '41.5' South Latitude and 10 10 16 'East Longitude with a distance of 25 Km from the Capital City of Kerinci Regency. Mount Kerinci with an elevation of 3,805 m above sea level within the Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) area is volcano active type A and has a crater lake with a size of 604 mx 580 m, this type of volcano is strato vulcano which is expansive. For climbing purposes, three shelters have been provided as a resting place, with cool air and interesting panoramic views interspersed with biodiversity, to reach the summit it takes between 10-12 hours, the time used is 2 days including rest at the lodge and setting up a campsite can be achieved for 7 -8 hours.
kelebihan yang dipunyai oleh kawasan Wisata Kayu Aro dalah terdapat banyak
objek wisata yang mengelilinginya salah satu adalah Danau Gunung Tujuh. Danau
ini merupakan kaldera gunung api yang memuntahkan material dalam jumlah
banyak, sehingga terjadi kekosongan pada dapur magma yang dilanjutkan penurunan
permukaan magma didalam waduk yang menyebabkan runtuhnya bagian atas dapur
magma dan memicu terjadinya runtuhan bagian puncak gunung api kemudian
membentuk kaldera. Danau ini terletak di Kecamatan Gunung Tujuh dengan 32 Km
dari ibu Kota Kabupaten objek wisata ini sering kali dijadikan tempat
petualangan bagi wisatawan,, Memiliki daya tarik suasana alam yang sejuk, hawa
yang bersih dan dingin, merupakan danau tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dengan
dikelilingi 7 gunung yang merupakan bagian dari jajaran pegunungan Bukit Barisan.
Some of the advantages possessed by the Kayu Aro Tourism area are there are many attractions that surround it, one of which is Gunung Tujuh Lake. This lake is a volcanic caldera that spewed out large amounts of material, resulting in a vacuum in the magma kitchen followed by a decrease in the surface of the magma in the reservoir which caused the collapse of the top of the magma kitchen and triggered the collapse of the peak of the volcano and then formed a caldera. This lake is located in Gunung Tujuh District with 32 Km from the capital of the Regency. This tourist attraction is often used as an adventure spot for tourists ,, It has the appeal of a cool natural atmosphere, clean and cold air, is the highest lake in Southeast Asia surrounded by 7 mountains which is part of the Bukit Barisan mountain range.
Some of the advantages possessed by the Kayu Aro Tourism area are there are many attractions that surround it, one of which is Gunung Tujuh Lake. This lake is a volcanic caldera that spewed out large amounts of material, resulting in a vacuum in the magma kitchen followed by a decrease in the surface of the magma in the reservoir which caused the collapse of the top of the magma kitchen and triggered the collapse of the peak of the volcano and then formed a caldera. This lake is located in Gunung Tujuh District with 32 Km from the capital of the Regency. This tourist attraction is often used as an adventure spot for tourists ,, It has the appeal of a cool natural atmosphere, clean and cold air, is the highest lake in Southeast Asia surrounded by 7 mountains which is part of the Bukit Barisan mountain range.
4). AIR TERJUN TELUN BERASAP (telun berasap waterfall)
Terletak di perbatasan Kabupaten
Kerinci dan Kabupaten Solok Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Barat yakni di Desa Telun
Berasap Kecamatan Gunung Tujuh yang dapat dicapai dari Kota Kabupaten selama 1
Jam perjalanan dengan jarak tempuh 35 Km. Air Terjun Telun Berasap merupakan
air terjun yang berhulu di Gunung Tujuh dan terjadi karena adanya beberapa fase
pembentukan lava, air terjun ini melewati tebing terjal dengan
ketinggian ± 50 meter. Untuk mencapai ke kawasan ini kita dapat
menggunakan kendaraan roda empat melewati perkebunan teh dengan udara segar di
kaki Gunung Kerinci. Kondisi alam sekitar merupakan suasana khas dalam Kawasan
TNKS sehingga menyebabkan daerah ini berhawa sejuk dan bersih.
Located on the border of Kerinci Regency and South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, namely in the Village of Telun Berasap, Gunung Tujuh District which can be reached from the Regency City for 1 hour travel distance of 35 Km. Telun Berasap Waterfall is a waterfall tipped on Gunung Tujuh and occurs due to several phases of lava formation, this waterfall passes through steep cliffs with a height of ± 50 meters. To reach this area, we can use four-wheeled vehicles through the tea plantations with fresh air at the foot of Mount Kerinci. Surrounding natural conditions are a typical atmosphere in the KSNP area, causing this area to have a cool and clean air.
Located on the border of Kerinci Regency and South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, namely in the Village of Telun Berasap, Gunung Tujuh District which can be reached from the Regency City for 1 hour travel distance of 35 Km. Telun Berasap Waterfall is a waterfall tipped on Gunung Tujuh and occurs due to several phases of lava formation, this waterfall passes through steep cliffs with a height of ± 50 meters. To reach this area, we can use four-wheeled vehicles through the tea plantations with fresh air at the foot of Mount Kerinci. Surrounding natural conditions are a typical atmosphere in the KSNP area, causing this area to have a cool and clean air.
5). DANAU BELIBIS (Belibis Lake)
wisata ini terdapat di Kecamatan Kayu Aro, dapat dicapai dari Kersik Tuo atau
desa Gunung Labu dengan perjalanan 2 jam melintasi perkebunan Teh PT. Nusantara
VI Kayu Aro. Danau yang dikelilingi oleh tebing-tebing yang curam ini mempunyai
luas sekitar 3 Ha, dengan ketinggian 2.070 m dpl.Danau ini memiliki kondisi
alam pegunungan yang masih asli merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang
mempunyai daya tarik khusus untuk dikunjungi.Dengan pemandangan alam yang
menarik, warna air yang berwarna-warni dengan pancaran warna air yang menarik,
akibat pengaruh kandungan mineral yang terdapat didasar danau.
This tour object is located in Kayu Aro District, can be reached from Grit Tuo or Gunung Labu village with a 2-hour trip through PT. Nusantara VI Kayu Aro. The lake is surrounded by steep cliffs which has an area of about 3 hectares, with a height of 2,070 m above sea level. This lake has pristine mountainous natural conditions which is one of the attractions that have a special attraction to be visited. With attractive natural scenery, colorful water color with attractive color of water, due to the influence of mineral content found at the bottom of the lake.
This tour object is located in Kayu Aro District, can be reached from Grit Tuo or Gunung Labu village with a 2-hour trip through PT. Nusantara VI Kayu Aro. The lake is surrounded by steep cliffs which has an area of about 3 hectares, with a height of 2,070 m above sea level. This lake has pristine mountainous natural conditions which is one of the attractions that have a special attraction to be visited. With attractive natural scenery, colorful water color with attractive color of water, due to the influence of mineral content found at the bottom of the lake.
Sebuah tanjung
dengan pemandangan langsung ke arah Danau Kerinci berjarak 40 Km dari Kota
Kabupaten.Tanjung ini memiliki ketinggian 20 m dari permukaan danau, dari sini
dapat terlihat luasnya Danau Kerinci secara keseluruhan. Tanjung Pelita ini
merupakan taman rekreasi yang ramai dikunjungi masyarakat, terdapat pohon
pelindung yang berumur ratusan tahunserta bunga-bunga khas Kabupaten Kerinci.
Di puncak Tanjung Pelita terdapat dataran dengan saung-saung peristirahatan,
sebagai tempat berkemah dengan air danau tersebut.
A headland with a direct view towards Lake Kerinci is 40 Km from the Regency City. This peninsula has a height of 20 m from the surface of the lake, from here can be seen the extent of Lake Kerinci as a whole. Tanjung Pelita is a recreational park that is visited by people, there are hundreds of years old trees and flowers typical of Kerinci Regency. At the top of Tanjung Pelita there is a plain with a resting place, as a place to camp with the lake water.
A headland with a direct view towards Lake Kerinci is 40 Km from the Regency City. This peninsula has a height of 20 m from the surface of the lake, from here can be seen the extent of Lake Kerinci as a whole. Tanjung Pelita is a recreational park that is visited by people, there are hundreds of years old trees and flowers typical of Kerinci Regency. At the top of Tanjung Pelita there is a plain with a resting place, as a place to camp with the lake water.
Air Terjun ini terletak di 4 km sebelah selatan Desa Pulau
Tengah Kec. Keliling Danau Dengan ketinggian air terjun yang mecapai 150 meter
itu, hujan embun yang tercipta bisa mencapai radius 50 meter dari titik air
terjun Pencaro Rayo itu. Hal tersebut akan menambah interistik dan daya tarik
air terjun yang berada di Desa Pulau tengah Kecamatan Keliling Danau
This waterfall is located 4 km south of Pulau Tengah Village, Kec. Around the Lake With the height of the waterfall reaching 150 meters, the dew rain that was created could reach a radius of 50 meters from the point of Pencaro Rayo's waterfall. This will add to the interistic and appeal of the waterfalls in Pulau Tengah Village, Keliling Danau District
This waterfall is located 4 km south of Pulau Tengah Village, Kec. Around the Lake With the height of the waterfall reaching 150 meters, the dew rain that was created could reach a radius of 50 meters from the point of Pencaro Rayo's waterfall. This will add to the interistic and appeal of the waterfalls in Pulau Tengah Village, Keliling Danau District
8). RAWA LADEH PANJANG (Long Ladeh Swamp)
Rawa ladeh panjang merupakan
hamparan lahan basah dengan luas ± 150 Ha yang terletak pada ketinggian ± 1.950
mDpl, dimana lokasi ini terletak di Desa Kebun Baru Kecamatan Kayu Aro yang
berjarak 20 Km dari Ibu Kota Kabupaten. Yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dari
lokasi Rawa Ladeh Panjang yaitu situasi dan kondisi objek wisata yang merupakan
habitat satwa liar seperti Harimau Sumatera, Kambing hutan, Rusa, Babi hutan,
dan berbagai jenis Burung langka dan beberapa macam jenis anggrek.
Long Ladeh Swamp is a stretch of wetlands with an area of ± 150 Ha located at an altitude of ± 1,950 mDpl, where this location is located in Kebun Baru Village, Kayu Aro District, 20 Km from the Capital District. The main attraction of the location of Rawa Ladeh Panjang is the situation and condition of tourist objects which are wildlife habitats such as the Sumatran Tiger, Forest Goat, Deer, Wild Boar, and various types of rare birds and various types of orchids.
Long Ladeh Swamp is a stretch of wetlands with an area of ± 150 Ha located at an altitude of ± 1,950 mDpl, where this location is located in Kebun Baru Village, Kayu Aro District, 20 Km from the Capital District. The main attraction of the location of Rawa Ladeh Panjang is the situation and condition of tourist objects which are wildlife habitats such as the Sumatran Tiger, Forest Goat, Deer, Wild Boar, and various types of rare birds and various types of orchids.
9). PERKEBUNAN TEH KAYU ARO (The Kayu Aro Plantation)
Perkebunan teh kayu aro merupakan unit perkebunan yang
terbesar di Indonesia dengan luas 3.040 Ha.Perkebunan ini terletak pada
ketinggian ± 1.504 m dari permukaan laut dan terhampar dibawah kaki Gunung
Kerinci. Disamping panorama hamparan perkebunan terdapat pula sebuah lokasi
cagar alam berupa taman rekreasi yang pada hari libur banyak dikunjungi
wisatawan. Wisata Agro yang jarang terdapat di tempat lain dapat dinikmati
adalah menyaksikan proses pengolahan teh dari kebun untuk diolah menjadi
komoditi ekspor dan dipasarkan lokal dengan harga yang relatif murah.
The aro wood tea plantation is the largest plantation unit in Indonesia with an area of 3,040 hectares. This plantation is located at an altitude of ± 1,504 m above sea level and lies below the foot of Mount Kerinci. Besides the panoramic view of the plantation there is also a nature reserve location in the form of a recreational park which is visited by many tourists on holidays. Agro Tourism which is rarely found in other places can be enjoyed by witnessing the processing of tea from the garden to be processed into export commodities and marketed locally with relatively cheap prices.
The aro wood tea plantation is the largest plantation unit in Indonesia with an area of 3,040 hectares. This plantation is located at an altitude of ± 1,504 m above sea level and lies below the foot of Mount Kerinci. Besides the panoramic view of the plantation there is also a nature reserve location in the form of a recreational park which is visited by many tourists on holidays. Agro Tourism which is rarely found in other places can be enjoyed by witnessing the processing of tea from the garden to be processed into export commodities and marketed locally with relatively cheap prices.
10). DANAU KACO (lake Kaco)
Danau Kaca yang terletak dalam Kawasan Taman Nasional
Kerinci Seblat (TNKS).Danau yang memiliki luas sekitar 30 x 30 meter ini
memiliki kedalaman yang masih menjadi misteri.Untuk bisa sampai ke Danau Kaco,
pengunjung harus berjalan kaki selama dua jam atau lebih dari Desa Lempur,
Kecamatan Gunung Raya, melintasi kawasan TNKS. Selama di perjalanan, pengunjung
akan disuguhi pemandangan alam yang masih sangat asri karena dilindungi oleh
warga setempat
Lake Kaca located in the Kerinci Seblat National Park Area (TNKS). The lake which has an area of about 30 x 30 meters has a depth that is still a mystery. To get to Lake Kaco, visitors must walk for two hours or more from Lempur Village , Gunung Raya District, across the TNKS area. During the trip, visitors will be treated to beautiful natural scenery because it is protected by local residents
Lake Kaca located in the Kerinci Seblat National Park Area (TNKS). The lake which has an area of about 30 x 30 meters has a depth that is still a mystery. To get to Lake Kaco, visitors must walk for two hours or more from Lempur Village , Gunung Raya District, across the TNKS area. During the trip, visitors will be treated to beautiful natural scenery because it is protected by local residents
Obyek wisata Air panas Semurup ini terletak di Desa Air
Panas Baru Kecamatan Air Hangat, berjarak kira-kira 11 Km dari Kota Sungai
Penuh. Air Panas yang keluar dari perut bumi merupakan hasil kegiatan vulkanik,
dengan luas permukaan ± 15 m2 membentuk sebuah kolam kecil yang selalu
mengepulkan asap.
This Semurup Hot Spring tourism object is located in the Air Panas Baru Village, Airangat District, about 11 Km away from Sungai Penuh City. Hot water that comes out of the bowels of the earth is the result of volcanic activity, with a surface area of ± 15 m2 forming a small pool that is always blowing smoke.
This Semurup Hot Spring tourism object is located in the Air Panas Baru Village, Airangat District, about 11 Km away from Sungai Penuh City. Hot water that comes out of the bowels of the earth is the result of volcanic activity, with a surface area of ± 15 m2 forming a small pool that is always blowing smoke.
Danau Aroma Pecco Terletak di Desa Bedeng Delapan Kayu Aro,
50 Km dari Kota Sungi Penuh tempat ini sangat mudah untuk dikunjungi, setelah
sampai di desa Bedeng Delapan dipinggir jalan akan terlihat gerbang dan papan
nama ‘‘Selamat Datang Di Aroma Pecoo’‘. Untuk mencapai objek wisata ini, kita
hanya melewai jalan kerikil sepanjang 300 meter dan kendaraan roda dua bahkan
roda empat bisa sampaik ke lokasi.
Aroma Lake Pecco Located in the Village of Eight Wood Aro, 50 Km from the City of Sungi Full this place is very easy to visit, after arriving in the village of Bedeng Eight on the side of the road you will see a gate and signboard nama ‘Welcome to Aroma Pecoo’ ‘. To reach this tourist attraction, we only pass a gravel road along 300 meters and two-wheeled vehicles or even four-wheeled vehicles can reach the location.
Aroma Lake Pecco Located in the Village of Eight Wood Aro, 50 Km from the City of Sungi Full this place is very easy to visit, after arriving in the village of Bedeng Eight on the side of the road you will see a gate and signboard nama ‘Welcome to Aroma Pecoo’ ‘. To reach this tourist attraction, we only pass a gravel road along 300 meters and two-wheeled vehicles or even four-wheeled vehicles can reach the location.